Put up your "BEST" gamertag.


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"Put up your gamertag"

I need you all to put your BEST gamertags.
Put up your price.
Then I will PM you if i want to buy your gamertag or not.​

What does it mean to you?[/CENTER][/b]
RE: Put up your gamertag.


E very X box M other F uuucker
Gamertag: Huggies
Price: $500
What does it mean to you: EVERYTHING​
Gamertag: GiN
Price: 1,000,000
What it means to me : Time to get Fucked up
Gamertag: Bandana
Price: 120$
What does it mean to you? Nothing but its G.​
Gamertag: lvg or UIW
Price:make an offer on my lvg thread
What does it mean to you?​
lvg looks hella clean, its a 3 LETTER not 3 char. UIW is meh baby, no touching.
use said:
Gamertag: lvg or UIW
Price:make an offer on my lvg thread
What does it mean to you?​
lvg looks hella clean, its a 3 LETTER not 3 char. UIW is meh baby, no touching.

How long have you had the gamertag UIW? I used to play with him.