I'm not sure about the amount of people on here that play league but I thought I would put it on.
The account is EUW has 10 rune pages with a lot of runes, 94 champions and 41 skins.
Has some rare skins that are unobtainable now such as King Rammus and UFO Corki and others.
Ahri - Midnight, Foxfire
Akali - Stinger
Amumu - Emumu
Annie - Goth, Frostfire
Ashe - Freljord, Sherwood, Queen, Amethyst
Caitlyn - Resistance, Sheriff
Corki - UFO
Evelynn - Shadow
Ezreal - Nottingham
Irelia - Nightblade
Janna - Tempest
Karma - Traditional
Kayle - Unmasked, Judgement
Kennen - Deadly, Swamp Master
Leblanc - Prestigious
Leona - Valkryie
Malzahar - Shadow Prince
Miss Fortune - Cowgirl, Waterloo
Morgana - Exiled
Nasus - Riot K9
Nidalee - Leopard, French Maid
Orianna - Sewn Chaos, Gothic
Ramus - King Ramus
Sejuani - Traditional
Shen - Frozen
Tristana - Riot Girl
Vayne - Aristocrat, Dragon Slayer, Heartseeker
Vlad - Count
If you would like to know anything else, please feel free to post of here or message me, thanks.