Rate my bedroom


Well-Known Member
I would like to know what you think of my bedroom. Thank you.

I rarely watch anime, some will find this extremely creepy & weird, I think its pretty cool tbh.
That's not your bedroom you troll.
I doubt you have that PC and those monitors, otherwise you wouldn't need a charger for an 8 year old Laptop.
I wouldn't be surprised if you had those pervy posters though.
You have some naughty pictures there young man.

@konata I looked into it, google 'anime room with loads of posters' and it's on the first row. rip @emp
This is actually in fact my bedroom. When @Package was visiting me he has been in this very bedroom himself. He can confirm it's mine.
Magic said:
You have some naughty pictures there young man.

@konata I looked into it, google 'anime room with loads of posters' and it's on the first row. rip @emp
I'd seen the picture on Twitter before anyway, I just wanted to see who'd fall for Mr. Emps bait.
Seems like you weren't easily fooled though, haha!
Balfour said:
I feel really bad for your father.

Be nice now 
100/10 I like that posters i want that.
7/10 Too much Anime, but pretty cool!
I can vouch, emp treated me to a nice day in his house. :]
That's awesome Emp! Honestly I really like it. It's not everyday you see a cool bedroom, mine is just plain white with nothing on the walls but a picture of classical wine lol