Rate my Pure so far


Well, I don't really feel like taking screenshots and uploading photos and all that shit, so I am just going to tell you guys the stats here.

Attack: 60
Strength: 55
Defense: 1
Ranged: 70
Prayer: 45
Magic: 76
Constitution: 63
Dungeoneering: 48
Combat: 58
Monkey Madness & Horror from the Deep done. Working on requirements for RFD and DT. :nice:
Great start so far. I don't know how to rate it on a number scale, though. But at least you're doin' it right.
Sounds good, gl on your future goals on the account.

Thank you for your ratings. BTW, forgot to mention my 55 Slayer. If you have any suggestions I will be happy to listen (well read) them
Easily done. To be honest if you would like picture proof and although I hate cropping and all that I would get you it.
Are you supposed to have 55 slayer, I mean. I'm not that familiar with RS, but I know that Slayer makes your combat go up.
No, slayer does not increase combat. Basically slayer is done when you go to a master they give you a special monster to kill and you go kill it.
You are probably mixing between slayer and summoning. I will post a picture soon because verxe asked for one.

There you go, uploaded an image but its not really clear.

Nope, I was definitely thinking about slayer. I guess I just don't know my RS, lol.
Pink, slayer has never increased your combat level. :B.
I have already posted a picture, but I will be making another thread that is similar to this soon when I get my melee stats up. Thank you all for responding to my thread and if you need any help read my signature.