Rate the grammar of the person above you.

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I apologize Greed, is my grammar any better sir.

7/10 barely anything written
Lord Snazz said:
fuck bitches get money $$$$$$$$

Your grammar is absolutely atrocious, it looks like you need to go back to primary school.
Cannabis said:
Your grammar is absolutely atrocious, it looks like you need to go back to primary school.

Six out of ten.

People are far too generous when it comes to judging one's grammar. I wouldn't even consider myself to have a nine.
Cannabis said:
Your grammar is absolutely atrocious, it looks like you need to go back to primary school.

Cannabis, I give you an outstanding 9/10. Well done, and I favor in your astonishing use of vocabulary words. Very marvelous job!
Cann!bal said:
Six out of ten.

People are far too generous when it comes to judging one's grammar. I wouldn't even consider myself to have a nine.


Nice grammar Cann!bal, I like the number 7.
helo frind i am here from korea i no engeesh wel but i leern very fast. ples help me leern fastr tank you frinds. very hapy
Flippy said:

Your grammar is imperfect.


Not necessarily a grammatical error, but there should not be a period after the ratio.

Very, very few people have perfect grammar. In fact, I cannot think of any user that has perfect grammar. Everyone makes mistakes, we are only human.



I think that the user "Cann!bal" has impeccable grammar.
I'll take the honor of rating you
Your posts are always helpful, I hardly see any errors in them ( except when you do it on purpose like in your quoted post. Your PMs are the same story, on topic and almost completely perfect, something I'd like to see from other users.
Flippy said:

I think that the user "Cann!bal" has impeccable grammar.

Without making a decent sized post barely anyone can put an accurate rating on this, everybody makes mistakes and that's normal.

Personally I think Raptor has the best grammar onsite to date.

Does anyone agree that people who still use acronyms and are out of high school, won't make it far in life?
I do not agree with this, due to the fact that some highly educated adults still use acronyms each and every day.


I like the actual meaning as well, just not how it is portrayed.
I give you an 8/10, your grammar is very much acceptable. Judging from the few posts I've seen of yours.

Shift said:
your you'r you're you are you ain't


This user has perfect grammar.
Amp said:
I give you an 8/10, your grammar is very much acceptable. Judging from the few posts I've seen of yours.


This user has perfect grammar.

Amp, I do not see a 10/10 for that grammar, as I see many mistakes. Although it may have been sarcasm, I am just giving my view.
For you, though, I would give you an outstanding 9/10. Bravo, congratulations. You've achieved my limitations for "Grammatically Correct Sentences."
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