Rate the grammar of the person above you.

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You guys are killing it, 10/10 for the both of you!
You guys should really read the rules before you post. I am sure Philly made it clear.

I rate your grammar at a 10/10.
Envious said:
You guys should really read the rules before you post. I am sure Philly made it clear.

I rate your grammar at a 10/10.

An occasional "that" placed into your sentences correctly would make them a lot more clear.

Your grammar earns you a rating of 8/10.

I find this really funny to read. Thank you for making my day.

Leader said:
An occasional "that" placed into your sentences correctly would make them a lot more clear.

Your grammar earns you a rating of 8/10.

You forgot to capitalize the first letter in a quoted sentence. I'll rate your grammar 8/10.
You forgot to capitalize the first letter in a quoted sentence. I'll rate your grammar 6/10.

This is false. I did not quote a sentence in my last post.

Your attempt at correcting my grammar earns your a 2/10.
Leader said:
This is false. I did not quote a sentence in my last post.

Your attempt at correcting my grammar earns your a 2/10.

I'll rate that sentence 3/10, since you were using a wrong word trying to refer to me.
I'll rate that sentence 3/10, since you were using a wrong word trying to refer to me.

What are you even talking about? Please show specific examples before you accuse me of having poor grammar.

That sentence get's a 10/10, even though it is wrong.
Leader said:
What are you even talking about? Please show specific examples before you accuse me of having poor grammar.

That sentence get's a 10/10, even though it is wrong.

Hmm, I don't have anything to say. Now to the main topic, I think the last sentenced you posted just now, earns an accurate 10/10.
I'd rate you at a four or five out of ten, there are numerous grammatical errors in your post.
Hmm, I don't have anything to say. Now to the main topic, I think the last sentenced you posted just now, earns an accurate 10/10.

So you are admitting that you are wrong? Nice to hear that.

As for this post, you earn a 5/10. There was a comma where there should have been a period and an extra, out of place comma.
Leader said:
So you are admitting that you are wrong? Nice to hear that.

As for this post, you earn a 5/10. There was a comma where there should have been a period and an extra, out of place comma.

Thank you in advanced, for notifying me about my mistake. 9/10 =)
Thank you in advanced, for notifying me about my mistake. 9/10 =)

There are still grammatical errors in your posts. I'm not sure you understand when to apply the past-tense suffix to words, nor do you understand when to place commas. 4/10.
Raptor said:
There are still grammatical errors in your posts. I'm not sure you understand when to apply the past-tense suffix to words, nor do you understand when to place commas. 4/10.

Your grammar is impeccable. Said grammar earns you a 10/10.
I love how people are using big words, when they are not needed... I don't care if my grammar is bad, bring it bitches!

(8/10 because I can)
MellowHigh said:
I love how people are using big words, when they are not needed... I don't care if my grammar is bad, bring it bitches!

(8/10 because I can)

I give you a 7/10, due to the fact that "Bring it bitches" is not very acceptable grammar.
Noscope said:
I give you a 7/10, due to the fact that "Bring it bitches" is not very acceptable grammar.
I give you a 7/10, the only reason being that you incorrectly used the word grammar. The word that should have been used is "speech".
Sora‌ said:
I give you a 7/10, the only reason being that you incorrectly used the word grammar. The word that should have been used is "speech".

w.e yolo bCUz I'm a thug
rate my gramr bish
47th said:
You're grammer iz ammazing 10/10.

I understand that this is a forum, but you're trolling on the wrong thread. 1/10
Tag said:
I understand that this is a forum, but you're trolling on the wrong thread. 1/10

I would also have to agree, please leave.

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