Rate the person's RuneScape Name above you.


Onyx user!
Simple game, let's begin.

Username; I anX I
Once again, already posted. Are you doing this on purpose?
O.O I'm 100% sure this has been posted before, I remember it didn't work out too well and sank to the bottom quickly. I'm willing to give this a go :)

runescape name: Ireppg0ld
Love this name :) donated a small amount of money to him and mad name
Doesn't matter if it's already been posted, unless it was posted yesterday or today, etc. Ie; recently. I looked through 5 pages and didn't find the old one, so it's considered dead.


7/10 - Three letter name but it's a random mumbling of words :p
Mine is:

Let's all tell each other our usernames so jagex can come on and ban us all.

rate it pl0x??
anX said:
EPG. My Username. let's go.

8/10. Looks cool, doesn't really have much meaning tho.
Mine was Astro A40 before I got scammed and the kid changed the name on it.