This has been my preferred method of infection and has made me quite a large sum of RSGP, but the issue stands I cannot get my spoofed .png file (with Blackshades server binded) to look like a png on the skype window, everytime I spoof the extension and use my crypter to change the icon, it comes back up as a program icon (exe) on the victims screen. Anyone know a way around this besides putting it in a zip? (SE'ing someone into downloading a .zip is hard for me easier to download .png)
Haven't tested recently on msn but im hoping I can find a method of spreading that keeps the png icon
EDIT: PS: Usually find victims through craigslist and put them under the impression that im buying an account/selling gold or items
during the conversation ill ask them if they can take items as I don't have enough cash and BAM send them the file.
Images do not have the correct permissions to execute althought theres various exploits about suchs as left to right overide on winxp, office exploits etc you might want to look at.
Yea but alas it shows as an exe icon on skype or msn I believe :/
if anyone knows any exploits besides the .scr to .png character map exploit it would be helpful, otherwise my Java Drive by would be the only alternative
So many ways to infect people. Go setup a RSPS, but convert the .exe to a byte array then execute it in java. Then no .exe is needed and you can sneak it to his pc.
Sorry to tell you, but there truly is no way to do this :/ No matter what, the Skype program still recognizes the program as an exe- after all, you'll literally just changing the name to look like a png, nothing in the actual code. You're just going to have to go with that method, or send them a zip/rar archive that contains your "picture album". Good luck!
Sorry to tell you, but there truly is no way to do this :/ No matter what, the Skype program still recognizes the program as an exe- after all, you'll literally just changing the name to look like a png, nothing in the actual code. You're just going to have to go with that method, or send them a zip/rar archive that contains your "picture album". Good luck!
since its usually FUD ill try sending them an "album" but until then im JDBing, telling people RazorPK some fake bugging clan has a livestream and a Squeal of fortune glitch