I have found this site by simply with google during my boring days.
But this site has no anykind of payment proofs, so googled about it and really can't be sure about the answer, some people have received their payments and some people haven't so I'm just simply going to find out myself.
ReadBud pays 0.01 - 0.20$ per read article, but the minimum cash out is 50$.. atm i'm at about 10$.. For me this smells like a big scam but if it isnt i dont want to lose good money..
Of course, it would be even better if someone of you has used this site earlier and knows does readbud pay or not.
But this site has no anykind of payment proofs, so googled about it and really can't be sure about the answer, some people have received their payments and some people haven't so I'm just simply going to find out myself.
ReadBud pays 0.01 - 0.20$ per read article, but the minimum cash out is 50$.. atm i'm at about 10$.. For me this smells like a big scam but if it isnt i dont want to lose good money..
Of course, it would be even better if someone of you has used this site earlier and knows does readbud pay or not.