Really need help


Onyx user!
Well I hacked a level 128 and it has a bank pin for 2 more days. Right now I'm auto clicking on a crate in a house constantly. So far I have figured out that if I keep clicking it won't log out and for the last 5-6 hours there hasn't been a random to pop up yet.

I am just wondering for the next 2 days, whats the easiest way to keep this account logged in 24/7?
Jagex auto logs you out every 6 hours. You can't stop it.
Crysis said:
Well this clearly is a load of bullshit.


exosphere™ said:
Good luck mate, hopefully there is a few hundred mills in that bank :)
Well I hacked a level 128 and it has a bank pin for 2 more days. Right now I'm auto clicking on a crate in a house constantly. So far I have figured out that if I keep clicking it won't log out and for the last 5-6 hours there hasn't been a random to pop up yet.

I am just wondering for the next 2 days, whats the easiest way to keep this account logged in 24/7?

Good luck mate, I hope there a few hundred mills lying in that bank!
Keep sending recovery requests too so they can't recover. Id just run a bot or something.
well, i hope you get to see the bank man, but i dunno, keep that auto clicking going, and see what happens :D, hope you get alot of money
Yeah, I would time how long you are logged in. An hour before the 6 hour logout, make sure password is not changed and if it is try to recover
Damn.. I love you guys for support, I posted same thing on powerbot and some guy flamed me for hacking it lmao.
I was auto clicking a "search" box it lasted for the better time till I randomly appear to be logged out in the morning. It got changed there was only 16 hours left :( I almost cried...