really need to sell this @

4 7

User is banned.
want to leave the community already? damn.
glws hope you get the price you are asking for
get the fuck outta here with that BIN LMFAO
LOL came back to a bunch of hate, everyone thats replying with that bullshit idrc its just a bin i'll take anything for it
this is why i wanna leave the community lmao everyone is so hostile its just a website like go outside or some shit wasting your lives on this website acting hard to impress each other

lmfao remember when everyone on hf appraised it and you said their appraisals were wrong? bahaahhaa nice thread
Chicken. said:
lmfao remember when everyone on hf appraised it and you said their appraisals were wrong? bahaahhaa nice thread

i was never on fk, you sound dumb af check my recent thread for an update
Chicken. said:
lmfao remember when everyone on hf appraised it and you said their appraisals were wrong? bahaahhaa nice thread
That wasnt him. Why are you being a cunt?
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