Recovering A VERY Old account


Onyx user!
Hey guys, I got to thinking and Ive got a low level main out there somehwere, Its like lv 80 and I dont know any of the info on it. I made it before I made my current main probably 6 years ago and got it to lv 80 then found sythe and, well, I was young lol.
Anyways, is there any good way to go about recovering an old account like this?
I actually recovered a friend's account (I've never played on it or anything) that was very old. The last log in was like 700 days ago, not that old, but old enough to get an easy recovery. It seems Jagex isn't really caring much. But anyway, it had recoveries, but I just selected the option of "I didn't set any recovery questions." I typed in the zip code (of course this has to be right), I made a guess of when the account was made, in my case, I put 2004. Just fill in what you can. I think the most important part is making a compelling argument in the additional comments area. Just say that you heard free trade and the wilderness has came back and you and a couple of friends want to play again. Mention that you haven't logged in forever and just make it sound compelling, if that makes sense. Bottom line is, this should be pretty easy for you, especially if you're the rightful owner of the account.

I myself got an old main back and a friend's account.

One of my friends actually got two of his friend's accounts (one which is 110+ CB) and one of his very old mains that he hasn't logged in for about 1,100 days.

Of course they don't play anymore, otherwise that would be cold.
If you remember your ISP, first password and second password, you might be able to.
Zangrefia said:
If you remember your ISP, first password and second password, you might be able to.

This, you will need these to get it or have a huge chance.
Also I'd suggest finding the transaction ID's if you bought P2P.
As long as you have a majority of the requested information, you have a high chance of recovering it. I mean, the recovery form is for "stolen or forgotten passwords", in this case, you have forgotten your password.
Haha, Im not even sure I should try after the last 3 posts, I remember barely anything.
I dont need it or anything, was just wondering if I could do it.
Incomplete said:
Haha, Im not even sure I should try after the last 3 posts, I remember barely anything.
I dont need it or anything, was just wondering if I could do it.

Well you have nothing to lose and it doesn't hurt to try. :nice:
Fast Don said:
Well you have nothing to lose and it doesn't hurt to try. :nice:

I guess so lol.
I've got a very slim chance of succeeding though.