hello for old member here i just want to know is how much the level of the referral here? or its only 1 time credit only can you earn also for there post or not? i hope someone can explain better
sorry to say that but here is no reffral level system. you got 5c per reff. only one time.
your reff. must post 5 comments then you got your reff. payment otherwise you got nothing.
thanks rahul ohh i see i think we must suggest admin to make there ref feral better like if u refer something and the ref feral person also make some refer and u can still earn like that like other networking site
all i know here arnelia is if you refer something u get $0.05 and if you post new threads u get same and if you reply is $0.03 thats all i know anyone know better than me lol..
hello are you sure that you get 3 cents when you reply it seems to me you get 2 cents each time you reply. That what it looks to me each time i reply it seems to move 2 cents instead of 3 cents.
not each time but sometimes, i am also counting this but i don't find the actual rate of post, may be its depend on post when i wrote short post then i get 2c but when i wrote bigger comment then i got 3c.
I am not sure may be you are right.
yeah me 2 rahul and richard when sometimes i get counted in my credit sometimes they give 2 only or i just miss something on it for counting but i think not all the time i get 2 try to observe again
yes that nice thing donevilly but the problem is u only earn 1 time only when the person you refer post 5 threads and that the time u get your 5c then nothing else i am suggesting that better if the the level of ref-feral are higher that 1 credit only so if your friend have also invite the site and do the post u can earn also a ref-feral credit