The Quests
Level 1: Recipe for Disaster- Saving Skrach Uglogwee (1,500 xp)
Level 1: Enlightened Journey (1,500 xp)
Level 1: Heroes' Quest (1,575 xp)
Level 1: Monk's Friend (2,000 xp)
Level 1: The Eyes of Glouphrie (2,500 xp)
Level 1: Icthlarin's Little Helper (4,000 xp)
Level 35: Animal Magnetism (2,500 xp)
Level 40: The Fremennik Trials (2,812.4 xp)
Level 56: The Fremennik Isles (10,000 xp)
Level 58: As a First Resort (15,000 xp)
Level 71: Grim Tales (14,000 xp)
Level 72: Back to my Roots (40,000 xp)
level 1:bronze axe
level 1:iron axe
level 6:steel axe
level 6:black axe
level 21:mithril axe
level 31:adamant axe
level 41:rune axe
level 61:dragon axe
level 1: trees
level 1: achey trees
level 10: light jungle
level 15: oak trees
level 20: medium jungle
level 30: willow trees
level 35: teak trees
level 45: hollow trees
level 45: maple trees
level 50: mahogany trees
level 54: arctic pine trees
level 58: eucalyptus trees
level 60: yew trees
level 75: magic trees
level 12: log canoe
level 27: dugout canoe
level 42: stable dugout canoe
level 56: fremennik round shield
level 56: split arctic pinelogs
level 57: waka canoe
level 19: Woodcutting Tutor- new info
level 29: Woodcutting Tutor- new info
level 99: Woodcutting cape of achievement
\"\^_^/"/~The Actual Guide~\"\^_^/"/
There are plenty of options. Plenty of areas to cut wood! let me show you how I got 99 woodutting. then I will show you other options.
Note: This is the way I got 99 woodcutting!
First thing I did was went to Varrock, and cut regular trees down to level 15
1-15~regular trees
Then I thought I should cut oak trees down till level 30, so I could cut willows. thats exactly what I did
15-30~oak trees
I cut my willow trees just a little bit west of Catherby Bank.
30-45~willow trees
Then I decided to cut maples north of seers village bank.
45-60 maple trees
Congrats man! You can cut Yew trees now! so I did cut yew trees to 80 woodcutting. I usually cut yew trees just a little south-east of the flax fields in Seers Village.
60-80~yew trees
Now it is time for the Magic Trees! The money maker More than 1.2kgp each. I cut these at two different places. They are both to the east of the range guild.
80-99~magic trees/willow trees/yew trees
Here are one of the spots. There are only 3 magic trees there.
Now this one, there are 4 magic trees! And there are usually less people here than the other spot.
I did willows, yews, and some magic trees to get to 99 woodcutting.
99 woodcutting took me around 3 to 4 months to get.. it was pretty boring, but as long if I had someone to chat with, I was just fine. Of course you will need a break from it! Just take a little break from time to time.
A FAST way to 99 woodcutting
from levels 1-20 cut regular trees down
from levels 20-35 cut oak trees down
from levels 35-55 cut willow trees down
from levels 55-70 cut maple tree down
from levels 70-85 cut yew trees down
from levels 85-99 cut willow trees down
The money-making way to 99 woodcutting
from levels 1-20 cut down regular trees down
from levels 20-30 cut oak trees down
from levels 30-45 cut willow trees down
from levels 45-60 cut maple trees down
from levels 60-80 cut yew trees down
from levels 80-99 cut magic trees down
from levels 60-90 cut yew trees down
then from levels 90-99 cut magic trees down
Creditz for tutorial to REG