Religious OG tags?


Looking for religious OG tags
and/or tags related to Beard
Why don't new member's ever introduce themselves anymore LOL.

Good luck finding a tag.
The user Dreams or Rawr had Catholic, but i think that Rawr stole it from dreams
Doctor said:
Why don't new member's ever introduce themselves anymore LOL.

Good luck finding a tag.

I dont think they know where the section is.
Philly should have it , where you join this forum, you get a message from philly saying, introduce yourself here *link of section*
that would be a good idea. You should Rec. that.
I should make a thread about that in the suggestion section you mean?
I had Agnostical, dunno what happened to it tho. Could maybe get it back if you wanted.
I know Chatholic was being sold here.
I think Dreams had it but I wouldnt trust him.