Rep for Africans!


Active Member

Hello! We are Rep for Africans! We strive to get as much rep for our african friends as possible. So many little African boys depend on us to live!

Just one contribution of rep to the ForumKorner user: Poop will almost guarantee a little african boy will live!

Please donate fast!​[/CENTER]

Special Offer:
Once donated, you will receive a picture of the African boy you probably wont save!​
Hahaha, I remember this.... Welcome back Poop.
ohh, rep for africans? YESSSSSS! way better than food or clothes on our backs! thanks soo much.
Shift said:
I donated +15 for donating that much can i get some african boys mailed to my house ?

Last time we mailed a African it got lost in mail and ended up getting shipped back to us. Unfortunately he came back dead.
Shift said:
Can you send him If i buy package protection ?

Shipping is free. Our package protection plan includes bubble wrap, and crayons. And for a extra $50 we will make air holes.
Shift said:
Do I have to feed it or does it survive on its own ?

They come pre-installed with survival 2.8. But some of them do require battery changes once a month.
Shift said:
Can I jailbreak it or will that void warranty ?

Jailbreaking is fine. But if the seal is broken within their virgin assholes then yes, we will void your warranty.
Shift said:
Sounds good how many children will i get if i donate a bible that i used to wipe my ass with ?

11 but 2 of them are dyslexic. Policy rules, sorry.