Repeating Two Letter Email


Active Member

Pretty rare email. Obtained from original owner. Willing to accept Paypal (from those i deem trustworthy), BTC (from all), Trades (Only looking for stats)

Bid: $0

This email will grow your e-dick 6 more inches. I need to get rid of it because mine can't fit in my pants anymore.
Rexy said:
repeating 2 letter emails are sick. GLWS man

thanks fam. Sadly email market is deflated af rn.
Awhile said:
How much are you looking for like an estimate because I don't wanna sales crash

offers over $100 will be noted.
"This email will grow your e-dick 6 more inches. I need to get rid of it because mine can't fit in my pants anymore."

Oh my god sounds perfect.
Still attempting to sell or trade this. Let me know.
PM me this. If it's good I'll drop a bid.
coltie2 said:
Good luck with sales man! I would be interested if it wasn't linked to all that stuff

You're misunderstanding me here. on the account itself, it has just about nothing ACTUALLY linked to it. But people tend to use it say as an alt email or something or to sign up to something so i get random emails of that nature. The account itself is clean as can be.

Agony said:
If this is a 'd' I may place a bid.

the one you're thinking if is owned by my nerdy aquaintance @Rude hit him up for it. This is different.
kyle said:
vouch 4 vlad he is a cool russian lad

thx kyle the vile, still taking offers on this smexy edick enlarger.
gracias timmy.
Still looking for trades or offers hit me up this email is mint
GLWS, it'd be insane if it was like "pp" or "tt" or "kk" anything of that nature, i hope you get what you're looking for
omg im looking to get rid of my stat pm me or contact me on kik asap - extend is my kik
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