[Reporting] Is this true?

A couple of Players told me that Jagex won't do anything if you report someone for "Doubling Money." Is this true?

He also said you're not allowed to say "Reported" or "Everyone Report this guy!"
o_O, that's just sad. Who told you this, JaGeX would've made an announcement by now, don't you think?
You should report them if they scam you under "scamming".
Otherwise, just tell everyone to not trust the kid.

I've seen level 83's in members with 500k gear (dmed, granite shield ect) saying "doubling money!!!".

They will do something. But so many people are doing it, it's hard.
So, many people "have" been scammed. You would be a fool to believe it.

So, many people say stuff like this...but I don't see them doing it. ;)

Anyway, I think it is..*not* true.
I've seen some legit people doubling money. They double 1m ect. They had a 1m max limit per person.
the_lol said:
I've seen some legit people doubling money. They double 1m ect. They had a 1m max limit per person.

Wow, take me to these people! I've never seen any legit "doubling money" people.
Oh my god, I have the best ss of this ever, there was this level 103 named "dublingmoney" wearing full gilded saying that, people gave him tons..
People usually do it for small amounts like 1m or 2m but if you continue to give them anything higher, they will just take that.
Well, if you scam someone doing double money, obviously they'll look into it, but it's beyond me whether or not they do anything..
Hopefully not xD, I've scammed loads from that game.
Jagex tries their best to ban the people that deserve it. But there are so many scammers its too hard to catch all of them. Whenever you see a scammer just report them for it.
It's sad people actually try to "double" money. It is pointless, it gets you no money because everyone knows you are scamming.
Mm these guys doubling money are funny, He was lvl 75 full rune (T) and I traded him 10k and he scammed me out of 10k lol. That's just pretty pathetic

*yes I was expecting to get scammed* just goes to show how Desperate people are.
A scams a scam, but jagex hardly looks into what people report anyways