Req Auto Crafter Auto Fletching Auto Woodcutting

All Day Win

Onyx user!
What you're requesting:Auto Crafter Auto Fletching Auto Woodcutting
Why you deserve the auth/ item being requested:I need them for turmoil on a account there
PM'ed you Auto Woodcutter and Auto Flecther.
Automatic Coding said:
All Day Win said:
Because I just like using nexus

Well, while you wait for someone to give you a auth I'll continue botting.

And in the near future when your account gets hijacked, Alldaywin will be making a steady income.
Ireppgold said:
Automatic Coding said:
All Day Win said:
Because I just like using nexus

Well, while you wait for someone to give you a auth I'll continue botting.

And in the near future when your account gets hijacked, Alldaywin will be making a steady income.

Well, I'll be waiting for the day my account has been jacked. I've made enough cash/stats of RSBuddy that if I got jacked I really wouldn't care.
Well if you guys are done going off topic I still need Auto Crafter so yeah (;
kco.R said:
I can sell you one. <3
This is the "RuneScape Giveaways" section, not the sellers section so dont post that you can sell him one, when he's asking for free auths.