[REQ] AutoCrabber Pro Auth


I just purchased members a moment ago and I am looking for a bot that can train at rock crabs. If anyone could spare an AutoCrabber Pro auth code then I will spit on your cock and suck it dry.. lol, jk. But seriously, I would appreciate it. If not for me, then do it because of my good grammar

Seriously, it's nothing that great. Grammar is something that should be natural.
Crysis said:

Seriously, it's nothing that great. Grammar is something that should be natural.

It was a joke . . .
So what have you done for the community with your 3 posts?
I can try and hook you up with a auto fighter/perfect fighter auth.. Pm me. (These are leeched auths.)
the_lol said:
I can try and hook you up with a auto fighter/perfect fighter auth.. Pm me. (These are leeched auths.)

But does it pop the crabs up? If it does, auto/perfectfighter is a lot better
Sxc said:
But does it pop the crabs up? If it does, auto/perfectfighter is a lot better

the bots always pop the crabs up, if you walk next to them they will pop up and attack you and then you retaliate
Chewbaka said:
So what have you done for the community with your 3 posts?

Says the douche bag with only 88 posts? Lol. I've joined the forums in an attempt to help it grow, please forgive me for making a simple request. It's blatantly obvious that you don't understand the value of a new member when you are trying to grow a new forum. Anyways, I realize now that I should have Googled the code instead of dealing with queers like yourself who think it's cool to put a furby as there avatar.

PS: And it's 4 posts now biatch!

yeah, i can say it so can the_lol can aswell, become a bit more well known before asking for auths, and as the_lol said, pm the auth u need and he will get it for you
Ryu™ said:
yeah, i can say it so can the_lol can aswell, become a bit more well known before asking for auths, and as the_lol said, pm the auth u need and he will get it for you

I found a huge list of working auths, but I appreciate the input. And thanks to everyone who tried to help out me out and offer an auth.
It was a question, how in any way was I being a douche?

Also, you join a forum and your first post your asking for an auth that many other people payed for.
You are what we call a "leecher"

You also -rep me because you didn't like the question?
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