[REQ] AutoRangingGuild Pro

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Username: Akolt
What you're requesting: AutoRangingGuild Pro
Why you deserve the auth/ item being requested: I really need this to make an ultimate account would be very nice who can give me the auth!
Automatic Coding said:

F*ck sake, Do people know if I want to use that f*cking infected crap shitty bot ?
No I don't want to use rsSHITTY BOT.
And by the way do you look up stuff self ? I made a thread about rsbuddy and said in a reply "then I won't use it" so shut up and don't get angry cause it's you who don't look up stuff
I have sent you a private message with a working RangeGuild bot.
Atlast! Someone sends me the auth I really wanted +rep for you cause it worked clicked your ads btw!
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