Username: ArmaniAttack
What you're requesting: Autofighter Pro (any good working autofighter) And a good money maker. Preferably Flaxer, Woodcutter, and or Fisher
Why you deserve the auth/ item being requested: I want to create a pure with some pretty good stats. I don't bot on my main so i actually play my main and want to bot a secondary acc. I've shared auths with friends i have from pservers and this auth will really help me out!! Thanks
What you're requesting: Autofighter Pro (any good working autofighter) And a good money maker. Preferably Flaxer, Woodcutter, and or Fisher
Why you deserve the auth/ item being requested: I want to create a pure with some pretty good stats. I don't bot on my main so i actually play my main and want to bot a secondary acc. I've shared auths with friends i have from pservers and this auth will really help me out!! Thanks