REQ Perfect Fighter


Onyx user!
What I need : Perfect fighter
Why I deserve it: because i love this form and i need it to get my staker maxed and i have a vps for 10 more days so i need it badly!
I too need this bot badly. Autofighter pro is just terrible atm dunno why I bought it =\.
Though I don't "Deserve" it. I just need it to farm a bit of cash on my rune pure to get dbones for my barrows pure
Celestial said:
I too need this bot badly. Autofighter pro is just terrible atm dunno why I bought it =\.
Though I don't "Deserve" it. I just need it to farm a bit of cash on my rune pure to get dbones for my barrows pure
Please make your own thread and don't hi-jack this users, thanks.

Well I assumed it would be better to post on here instead of making the "SAME" thread again. Whatever'z.
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