[Request] - L/T Xbox 360 Games (FH2, GTA V, AW)


Onyx user!
I made a post like this before which took me like 25 minutes as I uploaded everything I have but when I went back to check if anyone replied it wasn't there.
I have no idea why it didn't post, I suppose it just didn't.
I'm looking for Mainly Forza Horizon 2
but also GTA V & AW.
I don't have too much to offer but I have:
Black Ops 2 Camo's (a few; Elite - obviously - Graffiti, Cyborg, Aqua, Afterlife, the neon green one and a few more, idk rn.
BO2 Revolution Map pack
MW2 Stimulus Map pack
& Some more.
I could also give a 2009 Twitter with like 4k
A few bad semi's
but Idk.
Most of the Free games (Halo, AC, etc)
Thanks for your time.
I have two of those but I'd only do it for btc
Patch said:
Do you have Forza? As that's the main one I want. Lmk your price.
yes sir and offer if you have btc my dude
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