[Requesting]1K Retweets

Wilfred said:
So, are you requesting bots? Or just people to RT it?
Requesting 1k bots, people can RT too, the more the merrier haha.
I would bot this, but this dude seems like he wont really do a giveaway so Im not going to watse my time :/
I doubt he will give this away.
Just like people saying : RT and I'll follow you...its all BS
SN Shop said:
I would bot this, but this dude seems like he wont really do a giveaway so Im not going to watse my time :/
He's given out some shoes before, just not sure if he'll give it out if its botted rts. You could still try.
Unless giving botted RT's is a hassle, I don't know how long it takes, but if it takes a bit, I wouldn't want you to waste your time.