Resetting your desired FK username.


discord: aguny
This is a simple little contest. What is it? I will be using the $5 left in my BTC to reset the username you desire. (Philly will of course be the one resetting so you'll have to wait for him.)

Make sure the username you want is inactive and hasn't been banned for scamming and such.

Only 5 positions as most people on the site likely already have the username they desire.

Winner : @chad

I'll likely be doing this again in the future.

Post what number you want to take and the username you desire. @_____
RE: Resetting your desired username.

Nice contest you're hosting here. Good luck everyone.
RE: Resetting your desired username.

ill take #4

and i want the username "Blade"

lmk if i get it brah.
RE: Resetting your desired username.

SoLic said:
Hmm I don't think you can reset an upgraded person's username despite their inactivity:/

Then leme get "Crush" 

It says he's banned, but he's not banned for scamming.
I'll leave this open for a few days as not many people are online at this time and I'd like to give anyone who wishes to participate the chance to see this.

Anyway, if you find your desired username and don't want to spend the $5 to reset it, feel free to pick a number and lmk the name:)
I'll take #3

I'll have my name swapped to @Fallout

Thanks for this man, this is cool AF.
I'll number 1 or 5 and please reset @Fuckboy thank youuuuu
SoLic said:
I have all 5 contestants, will pick the winner in a bit.

After using , the winner was #3 , @chad resetting the username @fallout .

I've just PMd Philly @chad and will likely be sending the BTcCshortly.

LET'S GO!!!!!!

Thanks again for this man. :)