I recovered an Account earlier, didn't expect anything to be on it, was just a revenge recovery
Story is, me and the owner of the account went to same school years ago, and there were a few of us that played RS, we had a little click. Anyways one day in the hall he came over and said jokingly "When are you going to give me all your items" and I replied laughing "After you give me your password."
We both knew each other was joking, we had both known each other for about 3 years before even starting RS. Anyways later that day I was online and saw him log in, so I carried on the joke with a pm "So, what's your password then? lol". What he did after I did not expect...
Next day at school didn't see him, I got home and went to go on RS to find I was banned, permanently. Checked my account status immediately and I see the reason: as "Password scamming".
I was bewildered, that PM never even came into my head as the reason, I had totally forgot I even said it, it was such a small joke.
After checking the evidence I learned what had happened. Next day I confronted him in the corridors, he admitted that he reported me, but Adam (one of our other friends that played RS) said Jagex ignores reports done by friends -.- So at this point I grabbed his throat and slammed him against the wall and said he has to give me his account or life will become very hard (I was like 12? seemed like a good idea).
He then rats me out to the head mistress, who reviewed the camera in that corridor and excludes me (bans me from school) for 2 days.
So, I had 2 days free, and was the weekend right after, I decided to take use of this unexpected free time, and I went on to perform one of RS's earliest Dox's, even though I had no idea what a Dox was
So I set about finding out everything I could about him, with the advantage of knowing him irl, but he never really shared much personal info. These were the days before people posted everything about themselves on FB, I had to go through his MSN profile, which was limited at that. I saw he had a quote on there from what seemed to be a game. After a quick google, I found it was from A nintendo game.
I started googling about it, looking for keywords that someone might use as a password, I tried priotising things that might also be combo related to RS aswell. After about 20 mins I saw a word that stuck out from the rest.
"*Censoredpass*", some game related item, it just seemed to be a perfect password, I had already compiled a list of around 9 keywords, but I felt this was the one.
So I head straight to RS enter his username, enter my guessed password, and there it was, the "Invalid username or password" message. I sat there a bit depressed as I kind of got myself carried away it would be correct, I was about to try the next password on my list but I paused, and Thought about adding a 1, as many people do to their passwords, I was thinking the whole time it wouldn't work, whats the chances etc...
But to my jaw-dropping surprise, it logged in. I got about 3m from his account (that was a shit ton back then, we were all like lvl 40-50) and he used to boast how he scammed someone for a Rune Kite (t), took that too
So I felt pretty smart about myself, and I had done this on the first day, within 2-3 hours where I had planned a long weekend. Soon as school finished I called up my friend and told him what I had done (might have beefed up my uber hacking skillz0rz a bit lol
) and word soon got around our 'RS click'.
The rest of the guys in the click now feared me, they all thought I could hack their accounts on a whim lol, and they would come to me with requests like "I added this guy yesterday, he has like 7m!! if you have him can you give me like maybe 1m?".
Anyways this is all OLD news, just the backing story for what I done yesterday.
Which will be in the next post.
Ok, see these forums have the double post HR tag instead of allowing 2 posts, I'll just carry on.
So yesterday I was catching up with a old friend, he started playing RS again last month, he had a pure account that I used to lure on. He said he wanted to recover it but didnt know any pass's. He managed to remember one and armed with that he sent a recovery appeal. 5 mins later, it was accepted.
Realising how easily he got accepted, I decided to give my old friends account a try
Also armed with 1 password and a slimmest of details I sent a recovery, 5 minutes later, accepted.
I thought this guy had stopped playing over a year ago, but to my surprise, last log in was 12 days ago and it was members.
I had done this recovery for teh lulz and a bit of revenge, I could say I owned the account his spent a couple years on. But I also got this as a added bonus.
Sorry for the heavy censoring, waiting on bank pin, don't want it locked till after.
It's not the biggest recovery you'll see or that I've even done, but it's my favourite, went in expecting nothing, so I don't mind.