Ring of wealth?


Onyx user!
Hey all!
I've decided to try my luck again at black drags after losing a bit in PvP!
I'm not sure if ring of welath icnreases or decreases chance of visage? I have never gotten a visage and ive used the ring. My friends have gotten visages without the ring and say they never use it.

WHat is your opinion?

~101 (h)
Argh damn, i just need that 30mil!
Cheers Zenny, will do mate
Lol, there's been so much debate over whether the ROW actually does anything. Personally has never noticably helped me out, but there's no loss in trying i guess.
The ring of wealth doesn't affect your drop chances on the visage. Go read more info about the ring.
It increases the chances in getting any drop I hear
"The ring of wealth increases the chance of its wearer getting a drop from the rare drop table."
From RsWiki =D
"The ring of wealth increases the chance of its wearer getting a drop from the rare drop table."
From RsWiki =D

But apparantly the DFS is a "bonus drop" not a regular/rare drop
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