rip 2k15

didn't realize there was a pc update as I never go on there on pc. mobile apps should just stay mobile.
It looks fine.
Most tumblrs use their own theme and there are millions of them.
I don['t know how these resemble them.
Number 93 said:
It looks fine.
Most tumblrs use their own theme and there are millions of them.
I don['t know how these resemble them.

I just have been so used to the regular theme, that it just feel weird to me.
their UI is so outdated, looks like 2012 twitter, they need to step it up
why does instagram try to add one feature from other social media into their app....

First from vine, then snapchat, now tumblr
That's how it looks on mine. I like that they updated, but I don't like how it looks.
i dont like how people compare it to tumblr
in tumblr you are free to use/code any theme you like lol