OK. This site is a site where you earn by typing.. It's a CHAT! You earn 0.0005 per line and a line can be anything that is over three words.. It's LEGIT AND THEY REALLY PAY! And THE MOST IMPORTANT THING IS to Register with your paypal account and JUST CHAT IN THE WORLD CHAT ROOM
Cashout Status: You must reach $1.00 U.S.D. to request a cashout
Ro2.Biz Chat for Cash - Rules!
Violating any of the rules stated below will lead to your account suspension!
Yes , this method is slow , but fun , it's legit , tested by me.
The chat may only be used by registered members
Writing multiple consecutive lines (more than 3) is forbidden
Writing nonsense phrases / words / characters / numbers is forbidden
Sending links to pornographic, racist or any other integrity
damaging website is forbidden
Cashout Status: You must reach $1.00 U.S.D. to request a cashout
Ro2.Biz Chat for Cash - Rules!
Violating any of the rules stated below will lead to your account suspension!
Yes , this method is slow , but fun , it's legit , tested by me.
The chat may only be used by registered members
Writing multiple consecutive lines (more than 3) is forbidden
Writing nonsense phrases / words / characters / numbers is forbidden
Sending links to pornographic, racist or any other integrity
damaging website is forbidden