Rock Crabs Vs Hill Giants?


Onyx user!
What is better EXP for training range?
Currently my range level is 64

What gives more exp/hr?
I think Rock crabs would give more XP as they have more health and probably lower defence.
Baaw said:
but crabs would probably have alot more bot traffic.

Yeah, maybe now that Hati is gone... but when that damn wolf was here, there was maybe about 3 people at it's busiest (at least that I saw).

Honestly OP, your best bet would be to do trial runs with the both of them.

Do a couple hours of Rock Crabs and see what your exp/h is.

Then do a couple hours of Hill Giants and see what your exp/h is.

Then determine for yourself what is more efficient and go from there.
I swear rock crabs are like level 128? Good luck fighting them on a 64 range account.
Automatic Coding said:
I swear rock crabs are like level 128? Good luck fighting them on a 64 range account.

Take off the eight and you're about there.
If you go mem world, then its easier to do hillies, else the best xp is probably crabs.
I like Hill GIants better, but people say Rock Crabs are.
Rock crabs are much better exp/ hour. They do get boring quick but you don't need any food to kill them.
Hill Giants would be probably better with less traffic so the xp/hour will equal out. Also there is a group of hill giants on your way to Eagles Peak by Tree Gnome Stronghold I don't think anyone knows about it so it would be for sure empty.
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