Hola guys. My name is V0X. And today I'm coming to you with a new RuneScape hacking group for beginner to intermediate hackers.
[align=center]*Registrations are currently: OPEN*
The reason why I am doing this is because at one point I needed help and no one was there so I had to spent countless hours to get what, nothing! We are here to help you out!
What is the meaning of the name '#AntiDicing'?
Well, after free trade came out a lot of us worked hard to either hack our gp inquisitive or we worked hard for it. While dicers just bring in bank loot from doing nothing.. It's all luck and I believe it cheats the player, hence why a lot of people loose money dicing. Since I've seen how dicers fucked up the economy because a lot of dicers have 20b+ which is a good sum of money. I've had a few good friends who got scammed for big amounts of money while dicing and it makes me sick.. It's just like gambling but in a kids game. Which is what I don't agree with.
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Few things we require before joining us:
Skype (Mic preferred, but not needed)
Some knowledge of RuneScape hacking: keyloggers, rats, Java Drive-Byes
Phishers are a plus :thumbsup:
Phishers are a plus :thumbsup:
What is your name?
What is your runescape name? (can PM me if you like)
What is your MSN + Skype (can PM me if you like)
Are you familiar with using IRC?
Can you idle in the IRC and make videos (of hacking rs accounts)
You MUST have #AntiDicing in the chat box when recording.
You MUST have #AntiDicing in the chat box when recording.
What forms of hacking have you done? (RAT, Keylogger, Phisher)
Can you DOX/Are you good at doxing?
How much GP have you hacked? (proof would be nice c
Current members:
-Advanced Members-
We are in need of (1) person who can do GFX(Our youtube channels background, and (1) person who can do good video editing and make a pretty dope intro for us (it doesn't have to be SUPER good, but it has to be decent c The people who can fill this will get auto -Advanced Members- and +aop in the IRC, along with GP when we start getting logs, once members etc start hacking.
If you have any questions feel free to pm me on here or any of these
Skype: Nateyxxx
MSN: [email protected]
IRC: irc.swiftirc.net 6667 Channel - #AntiDicing
My user on IRC is V0X
Skype: Nateyxxx
MSN: [email protected]
IRC: irc.swiftirc.net 6667 Channel - #AntiDicing
My user on IRC is V0X
Our official YouTube Channel: http://www.youtube.com/theantidicers[/CENTER]
Hope to see some members apply, I would love to have a cool little posse