RS Hacking Group | #AntiDicing | #FuckDicers

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Onyx user!

Hola guys. My name is V0X. And today I'm coming to you with a new RuneScape hacking group for beginner to intermediate hackers.

[align=center]*Registrations are currently: OPEN*​
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The reason why I am doing this is because at one point I needed help and no one was there so I had to spent countless hours to get what, nothing! We are here to help you out!​

What is the meaning of the name '#AntiDicing'?

Well, after free trade came out a lot of us worked hard to either hack our gp inquisitive or we worked hard for it. While dicers just bring in bank loot from doing nothing.. It's all luck and I believe it cheats the player, hence why a lot of people loose money dicing. Since I've seen how dicers fucked up the economy because a lot of dicers have 20b+ which is a good sum of money. I've had a few good friends who got scammed for big amounts of money while dicing and it makes me sick.. It's just like gambling but in a kids game. Which is what I don't agree with.

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Few things we require before joining us:​
Skype (Mic preferred, but not needed)​
Some knowledge of RuneScape hacking: keyloggers, rats, Java Drive-Byes
Phishers are a plus :thumbsup:​

What is your name?​
What is your runescape name? (can PM me if you like)​
What is your MSN + Skype (can PM me if you like)​
Are you familiar with using IRC?​
Can you idle in the IRC and make videos (of hacking rs accounts)
You MUST have #AntiDicing in the chat box when recording.​
What forms of hacking have you done? (RAT, Keylogger, Phisher)​
Can you DOX/Are you good at doxing?​
How much GP have you hacked? (proof would be nice c

Current members:​



-Advanced Members-



We are in need of (1) person who can do GFX(Our youtube channels background, and (1) person who can do good video editing and make a pretty dope intro for us (it doesn't have to be SUPER good, but it has to be decent c The people who can fill this will get auto -Advanced Members- and +aop in the IRC, along with GP when we start getting logs, once members etc start hacking.

If you have any questions feel free to pm me on here or any of these
Skype: Nateyxxx
IRC: 6667 Channel - #AntiDicing
My user on IRC is V0X​
Our official YouTube Channel:[/CENTER]

Hope to see some members apply, I would love to have a cool little posse
RE: RS Hacking Group | #AntiDicing

I'd love joining, but I lack a mic.
RE: RS Hacking Group | #AntiDicing

Maxie said:
I'd love joining, but I lack a mic.

Meh. Go ahead and apply. I don't care about the mic really.
RE: RS Hacking Group | #AntiDicing


What is your name? Joey
What is your runescape name? inyl
What is your MSN + Skype? | Tehdramaa101
Are you familiar with using IRC? Yes,
Can you idle in the IRC and make videos: Yes, Learning Advanced Video editing now.
You MUST have #AntiDicing in the chat box when recording.
What forms of hacking have you done? RATING, XSS,SQLI,KEYLOGGING, etc
Can you DOX/Are you good at doxing? Derp anyone can dox
How much GP have you hacked? A lot.

I have more but i cbf to upload it.
RE: RS Hacking Group | #AntiDicing

RE: RS Hacking Group | #AntiDicing

What is your name? Max/Maxie
What is your runescape name? (can PM me if you like) I'll PM you, or my main "RG_Maxie".
What is your MSN + Skype (can PM me if you like) Msn: Skype: jpg.ecafllorT
Are you familiar with using IRC? Yes.
Can you idle in the IRC and make videos (of hacking rs accounts) Yeah I guess.
You MUST have #AntiDicing in the chat box when recording.
What forms of hacking have you done? (RAT, Keylogger, Phisher) Well, I setup a RAT, but I am most familiar with website hacking. I am also pretty good at DOXing and SEing, if SEing counts as hacking.
Can you DOX/Are you good at doxing? I am decent, but with SEing it's not so hard.
How much GP have you hacked? (proof would be nice c About 30M, but my main subject is not focoused on hacking RuneScape gold.
RE: RS Hacking Group | #AntiDicing

What is your name? James
What is your runescape name? Paros
What is your MSN + Skype?
Are you familiar with using IRC? Yes
Can you idle in the IRC and make videos? Yes
What forms of hacking have you done?
Phishing - I've developed innovative phishing methods i.e. RuneScape 3 and other private methods to incomparable success.
RATs - Integral to another of my private account hijacking methods, however they are no longer useful to me since I use a Mac.
Keylogging - I've used loggers indirectly, such as via the medium of RAT functions
Can you DOX/Are you good at doxing? I'm relatively experienced.
How much GP have you hacked? On the day of the return of free trade, I acquired 1.5B in total. However, I haven't hijacked any accounts since then because I have been busy with work. In the previous version of free trade, it'd be in the region of 15-20B (accumulated wealth from the prevalent success of RuneScape3 phishing and account password cracking). I only have pictures of the 1.5B worth of accounts I acquired on 1st February (below), due to the fact that all of my old pictures were on my desktop computer which has a corrupted HDD. I am renowned on old school cheating sites to be a highly successful phisher, to the effect that I was threatened with lawsuits by JaGeX on multiple occasions and have had nearly ten domains seized.

RE: RS Hacking Group | #AntiDicing

Denied sorry.

Accepted, some nice hacks there
RE: RS Hacking Group | #AntiDicing

I'd apply but I don't have skype
RE: RS Hacking Group | #AntiDicing

I'm changing that now, the forums are majorly fucked atm. Idk what's up but when they're normal I'll fix it!

for now everyone join the swiftirc channel #AntiDicing
RE: RS Hacking Group | #AntiDicing


What is your name? Alexander
What is your runescape name? Ill PM you if you ask me to.
What is your MSN + Skype Ill PM you if you ask me to.
Are you familiar with using IRC? Not really, never did IRC.
Can you idle in the IRC and make videos (of hacking rs accounts): Yeah, sure.
You MUST have #AntiDicing in the chat box when recording: Sure..
What forms of hacking have you done? (RAT, Keylogger, Phisher) Um, all of those you named, im also an retired blackhat hacker so i have alot of knowledge in the hacking bit.
Can you DOX/Are you good at doxing? Yeah, i doxed a few people i hate.
How much GP have you hacked? (proof would be nice c Check my thread, posted pictures of those i hacked so far.

Btw; I don't got a mic :/ Although i got the rest of the stuff you named.
RE: RS Hacking Group | #AntiDicing

What is your name? Wes
What is your runescape name? (can PM me if you like) I'll pm if you want
What is your MSN + Skype (can PM me if you like) I'll PM if you want
Are you familiar with using IRC? somewhat
Can you idle in the IRC and make videos (of hacking rs accounts) I can make vids i'm good with editing
You MUST have #AntiDicing in the chat box when recording. ok
What forms of hacking have you done? (RAT, Keylogger, Phisher)Keylogging, Phisher (I have hacked 100m luckily with my vb keylog because i'm lucky, but I want to make waaaayy more and need to learn!)
Can you DOX/Are you good at doxing? Sure..
How much GP have you hacked? (proof would be nice c
I don't have proof because my keylog was before i found this site! my youtube channel is wjp161 if you wanna see proof of upload date on my keylog and a phish video that won't get anyone!
RE: RS Hacking Group | #AntiDicing

Reserved, will apply tomorrow when I'm on my pc and not phone.
Accepted as a member.

Accepted as a pupil

Fixed the post up
Need some people good with gfx and video editing, please read the giant red text
What is your name? Landon
What is your runescape name? (rather not say )
What is your MSN + Skype Landonlebeck
Are you familiar with using IRC? Not at all.
Can you idle in the IRC and make videos (of hacking rs accounts) Nope.
You MUST have #AntiDicing in the chat box when recording. (maby >)
What forms of hacking have you done? (RAT, Keylogger, Phisher) RATing, Stealers, & Phishing.
Can you DOX/Are you good at doxing? not really.
How much GP have you hacked? (proof would be nice c Around 460m in proof
i'v hacked 1.3b but i don't have a SS of that hack
( ) my video are marked with landon

Accepted as a member.
Legend said:
To all those who have been accepted, please come and idle/chat in our IRC - #AntiDicing

Yes, for anyone that is in the group please join our IRC. Idle or chat. Whatever you prefer
What is your name? Kevin
What is your runescape name? PM
What is your MSN + Skype ? | YouSuckz
Are you familiar with using IRC? Yes.
Can you idle in the IRC and make videos (of hacking rs accounts): Yes.
You MUST have #AntiDicing in the chat box when recording. : Ok.
What forms of hacking have you done? (RAT, Keylogger, Phisher): All.
Can you DOX/Are you good at doxing? Nope.
How much GP have you hacked? (proof would be nice c : 1-3B. Hacking daily. Some proof:

I have more, I'm uploading atm.

Accepted. Welcome aboard - we'd love it if you joined our IRC channel! #Antidicing
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