I personally liked to make my own scripts with kbot but when kbot got shutdown/not updated i bought them from rsbot.net good scripts but to expensive
@Fear - how did you crack nexus ive tried looking into the source code to figure out how it works ands how it looks up the auth codes but its obbed up the @ss and idk how to unob it =(
Cracking nexus isn't really that hard. Study how to crack for about 3-4 months and you can do it as well. I got many Auths and sold them to many sites.
Plus, if you didn't know, rsbot.net, rsbot.com, and nexus are all the same scripts owned by the same company. They just made different sites to get more cash and just changed the how the scripts looks when loaded. I plain out hate nexus.
I got banned from that place due to I got accused of scamming while I was hacked. I was running a great service with a friend and I got hacked. The hacker stole the customer's usernames/passes and cleared out their banks. I told them it wasn't me and I said i'll do the rest of the service for free which I did to one customer but the other was a total dipshit. So because of him, I got ip banned which isn't bad since I planned on leaving that place after it blew over.