RSGP - 50$ To Spend - Quick!


Looking to buy some gold.

I will be using a Verified Paypal Account with an existing balance.

Middle-Man may be used if you find necessary. (You will cover fee's)

Post your offers.
Looking for 120M.

This is probably not the greatest site to buy RSGP. I would look on other sites.

I do not play Runescape, I just have not seen any threads on anybody selling RSGP.
Really? Damn.. That really sucks. Thanks for the information.
I'll keep the thread here just incase.
I can sell you some gp later, I will PM you when i can. Is .33/m good?
johng1208 said:
I can sell you some gp later, I will PM you when i can. Is .33/m good?
Hey, I'm assuming you're new here. That user is banned. As you can see there is a line through his username. Sorry bro :/
I have approx 450m In stock and also my account is up for sale check my thread out for info and if u wanna buy gold pm me
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