[RSGP] [Hot] CHEAP guide to unliimited free membership![Updated] [Online]

RE: [RSGO] [Hot] CHEAP guide to unliimited free membership!

10m for first buyer?
RE: [RSGP] [Hot] CHEAP guide to unliimited free membership!


RE: [RSGP] [Hot] CHEAP guide to unliimited free membership!

This guide is the most bs ive ever seen. It does not get you any membership! I've been at it for an hour and still nothing. THIS DOES NOT WORK!
RE: [RSGP] [Hot] CHEAP guide to unliimited free membership!

Skiller said:
This guide is the most bs ive ever seen. It does not get you any membership! I've been at it for an hour and still nothing. THIS DOES NOT WORK!

do tell..
RE: [RSGP] [Hot] CHEAP guide to unliimited free membership!

I completely withdraw my last statement! This idea works!!!! it took alot of time but it is worth it! thank you so much!!!! definately buy this guide!!!!
RE: [RSGP] [Hot] CHEAP guide to unliimited free membership!

Hooray for first official sale! s4s
RE: [RSGP] [Hot] CHEAP guide to unliimited free membership!

Ello Guvnas said:
Hooray for first official sale! s4s

I was a bit excited earlier so I didn't really vouch. Here is my complete review on the guide.

When I first purchased this guide I felt a little out of pocket when I found it used social engineering. I thought, it's going to be one of those things where the guy did it once and assumed that it worked automatically, and these fears were pulling through. Within the first hour I had actually lost a bit of money and (as I am sure he will tell you) I was raging at Ello Guvnas for my money back. He then said that he would guide me as I went through. Within 10 minutes of him helping me and giving me advice along the way, I had my first membership pin. Even after I have recieved it he still private messaged me extra tips and methods.

If you were to buy this guide (which I highly recommend) you would definately need to ask for a walkthrough, as it is more time efficient and it is also extremely helpful!

Thanks again for a happy customer and now for my skiller which i can finilly bot the higher levels of runespan on. Thanks!!!
RE: [RSGP] [Hot] CHEAP guide to unliimited free membership!

Grats on your first sale lil buddy.
RE: [RSGP] [Hot] CHEAP guide to unliimited free membership!

Method said:
Grats on your first sale lil buddy.

Thanks m8, hopefully there's more to come
406 views and only one sale, cmon people
Predator said:
Awwh...social engineering

It's easy as hell, never know if you don't try
I just got 2 member pins off this guide
Online now! Any buyers?
Will this method ever be patched?
izomac said:
Will this method ever be patched?

Never. It is absolutely unpatchable.
Ello Guvnas said:
izomac said:
Will this method ever be patched?

Never. It is absolutely unpatchable.
Well after my 99 fm , i'll start money making and buy your e-book since i currently only have 16M --".

Hell as slow as selling is going ill take most anything in the double digits. 15 and it's yours lol
Do you have anything so i could contact you?
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