[RSGP]Staking Glitch[Paypal]

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X Justus X

Ok, I know I have 1 post. I just registered on here to sell this. If a mod needs to, I will let him verify! I will be selling a Dual Arena glitch where when you stake, you don't get hit! You are invincible!

Req~ A wepon that can poison!

I will only be selling around 30 copies of this! I can not assure you that this glitch will last for 2 weeks, because you can obviously make 100m in a hour staking. I am only selling a certain amount because I do not want this patched!1st come 1st serve. After you buy rep+ =]

Prices~ 10m RSGP or $8 Paypal

Msn: justusmilbauer84@yahoo.com

Copies sold: 10/20
PM me the tutorial.

If it is the reindeer glitch just tell me and I will close the thread now.
I can't find it anywhere on the webs so I am going to assume that it isn't public.

I will verify this in a second.
It does work.... for some reason the mod has not pmed me?

Hurry to Pm Me =] I will start selling ASAP 1st come 1st serve! It's a private method. NO LEECHING!
What do you mean very inefficent?
Verified...... inefficient meaning, it will take a few minutes for them to die.
If you need a second staff review, I would be happy to do one.
The reason why i posted "this is patched" is because a week ago someone else was here selling a duel arena glitch which involved a poisoned weapon, and from what i can read from this thread it sounds like the same thing.
Ok, well don't post patched? It's not it was just verified... and I just did it......
You still havn't answered, is it the post glitch? and is it a hard technique? is it easy to do...or rather hard?
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