[RSGP]Staking Glitch[Paypal]

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who ever has tested it, do you have to download a guide? or will you just pm?
X Justus X said:
No it's not. This is a private method. No one has it.

If no one has it, then how do you have it?

Anyway, do you mind proving to me ingame? I'd like to take note it's obviousness.
Im not, it was verified by a mod, and I did it with a elite. So buy it.... and You will know what it is. I will sell the 3 for 7m RSGP or 7$ Paypal!
I PMed you but you didn't reply yet would really like this glitch.
8$ alright, do you need any expensive gear or anything? and would it be no armour staking or what? or only 1 hand staking?

Pm me i most likely won't respond here.
Would it be no armour except only 1 item on (that being dds)
i dont get it ppl sell these for rsgp when they state in thread they can make 100m within an hour... why the hell u need 7m for the guide when u can make 100m in an hour..
Maybe he has a noob account? but it is a good question.
I have not enough $ on my account to stake. And I have nub acc and lost city is not done. You can wear anything but, somthing in ut other hand.
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