So yesterday night I received a message from the AIM "RudeFK" he sent me a message saying I scammed him and that he was going to open a scam report.
He sounded fucking retarded when he stated the fact I scammed him when I NEVER deal offsite unless I deem you trustworthy. So I asked him to show proof, he provided proof on a screenshot site I've never heard of.
So I decided to click on the link and it instantly downloaded a file onto my computer which I didn't open the file because I wasn't retarded enough to open it. So just keep an eye out for this kid, he is most likely trying to compromise peoples SM's, GT's, etc...
I messaged @Rude on Kik and he told me to post a Community Warning, so here I am just letting everybody know.
Rude couldn't get on FK yesterday because he was high off some dank, so I've decided to post it today.