Rude Impersonator


User is banned.
Watch out for this fucking idiot.

So yesterday night I received a message from the AIM "RudeFK" he sent me a message saying I scammed him and that he was going to open a scam report.
He sounded fucking retarded when he stated the fact I scammed him when I NEVER deal offsite unless I deem you trustworthy. So I asked him to show proof, he provided proof on a screenshot site I've never heard of.
So I decided to click on the link and it instantly downloaded a file onto my computer which I didn't open the file because I wasn't retarded enough to open it. So just keep an eye out for this kid, he is most likely trying to compromise peoples SM's, GT's, etc...

I messaged @Rude on Kik and he told me to post a Community Warning, so here I am just letting everybody know.
Rude couldn't get on FK yesterday because he was high off some dank, so I've decided to post it today.​
That is crazy, people are suck low life's , they have to try and steal shit cause they broke lol.

I will watch out for him, thank you for the warning man.

Is it letting you delete the file or is it still on your computer?
What I'm wondering is why the hell is @Rude always being impersonated?
666 said:
That is crazy, people are suck low life's , they have to try and steal shit cause they broke lol.

I will watch out for him, thank you for the warning man.

Is it letting you delete the file or is it still on your computer?

It downloaded, but I didn't open it.

Then I tried messaging him back on AIM and he went offline.
He messaged me also but I was mobile lol didn't even bother clicking the link.

Happend late last night.
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