Runescape before botting


Active Member
I miss runescape before the botting got big.
Anyone else?
Yes I miss those days because I used to sell mils for $10 each to rich kids at my middle school 5-6 years ago. I bought my first car from selling RS Gold.

But at the same time I don't, because something wonderful came along called botting.
Fast Don said:
Yes I miss those days because I used to sell mils for $10 each to rich kids at my middle school 5-6 years ago. I bought my first car from selling RS Gold.

But at the same time I don't, because something wonderful came along called botting.

Jeez, how much or how "not" much was your car?
I wish I knew about botting before it got big!
The amount of time I spent training just to have shit stats!
I remember the first time I trained for 60 attack it took forever
Fast Don said:
I bought it used for $3,500 off of a family friend. It was a Miata, lol.

Miata's are fun little cars lol.
OT: I love botting now, I wish NeXus would have always been around lol.
People have been botting since RSC, but it hasn't gotten more advanced since more recently. Idc really it helps prices stay lower for alot of stuff
Meh, kinda.
Whenever I do something on Runescape, I'm like a bot could be doing this for me but then again I play it for fun.
Crysis said:
Meh, kinda.
Whenever I do something on Runescape, I'm like a bot could be doing this for me but then again I play it for fun.

I think the same thing. "Why would i do this when i can have a bot do it for me?". Also now when i get a whip pk i think to myself *oh woopy just got like 2 hours botting puropuro* when back in 05 i'd flip shit for a good pk.
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