Runescape Scams

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Now, I'm not trying to compare or group this site with HF because it is indeed a completely different concept, but since most members come from HF I feel that it would make a greater reference point.

That being said I'll move unto the matter at hand. If we all remember; the selling of Runescape anything was banned on HF because of high scam rates. To stop history from repeating itself I'd like to suggest the use of the site: for the any selling/buying of runescape gold involving paypal this would not only kill nearly all chances of scams with paypal chargeback but it would also cut a lot of Runescape market scams on this site. Player Auctions not only offers to reimburse and investigate chargebacks but they also hold the money in case the seller does not deliver. I'm posting this here so staff can hopefully enforce this and get this going. I feel it would make this marketplace safer as a whole. I'm not sure exactly how many RS users there are on this site or how many users this pertains to at all but for the small percent I hope this helped. Not trying to advertise because I'm in no way affiliated with Player Auctions but I have used it in the past and feel it's safe and efficient.

MF has never experienced a scam, and as moderator of a trading section I will keep the scam rate at 0.
Hmm I know nothing about that site or RS, it's something we can perhaps discuss but I doubt it. I'd like the deals to be kept on MF and eventually have a great trading system. Thinking of finally making the middle man group.
Middle Man group would actually be a pretty good idea.

@OP, banning a type of sale because another site had issues with it doesn't make sense to me.
Crayo this is a good idea. Run with it.
It can be an option but I don't think I can make it a rule. Owning a Market Forum but making sure Runescape deals are dealt elsewhere seems pointless to me...

Unless I hear more about this. I don't really understand it.

Basically it acts as a middleman. They validate the seller has the goods, then does the MM exchange and protects both buyer and seller.
The deals are still dealt here. Runescape sales are the easiest to scam on since they are virtual items. As we know Paypal don't give a fuck about virtual items. So by using PA, they sort out any possible chargebacks, and them being a company gives them powers against the standard skid.
Crayo said:
Oh, that sounds like a decent system. I'll try and sort that out in the coming days. We would need an individual runescape deals forum, and a help document on it.

Virtual deals considering it would be Virtual Items that would need it the most?

edit: Something support can take control of if, we go for a revamp of the group?
Pretty much all items sold here are virtual deals, so that would kill our other sections if we named it that. Spaz and OP are right when saying Runescape is the most popular thing scammed on the internet at the moment.

All Support members can become official middle men if that's what you're inquiring, and Staff. They could also work with our mods who would also count as MM and run this system. It's something I don't even have the ability to control, as I don't play runescape (stares at Spaz) and I very rarely trade/buy/sell online.

Virtual Items as in for WOW, Runescape, other MMO games.
So MMO trading?

Edit: I do a bit of Runescape, I can help as Spaz can as well. I guess that's what your implying
MMO trading sounds more realistic, as it's specific. Doesn't entirely destroy our "accounts" section. But tbh, I hate adding sections with no content. So I'd like to see more of these posts first. We can implement the rule but not the section
Crayo said:
MMO trading sounds more realistic, as it's specific. Doesn't entirely destroy our "accounts" section. But tbh, I hate adding sections with no content. So I'd like to see more of these posts first. We can implement the rule but not the section

Yeah that's a better idea
Wow, wasn't expecting this much feedback. Read through it all, thanks for the criticism and the support. I'm happy this idea seems to have helped some
Seems like a good idea to add a middleman group, especially for these types of deals.
I'm against this, don't follow the mistakes that HF did and ban sales of RS, iPhones, and similar things. It restricts the marketplace from housing a large variety of items.

But the middle man idea doesn't sound bad either
It wouldn't be banned, it'll just be a precautionary addition and added to a safety help document or something. If users wish to ignore our precautions and methods of 100% safe trading, then it's not our problem.
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