Runescape Updates


Hate them or love them. All I know is that I generally miss PKing that was the best part of the game for me and the fastest way to level. I know they have pvp now, but i liked it when there were no currency limits.

Your opinion? :huh:
Of course everyone misses PKing, thats why there is PvP worlds to substitute it. :/
Only thing I miss is not having a trade limit. You can't pay someone 10k to go get you an item you need and you pay people to do jobs.
Once they removed Free Trade, the game became insta-fucked.

The moment they removed the wildy, I lost most of my will to play the game.
Well I'm sure everyone would agree that no one wants to play runescape classic as much as they do with the runescape that is currently available, some updates are good, some are bad
I was never really a big fan of PKing, I'm not sure why lmao. I always died and everyone was better then me