

Does anyone play Runescape anymore? It's a mmorpg game that still is popular. Curious to know if you have played/ or play currently?
Not really lvl 70 acc full zammy 74 or something woodcutting

I might sell it lol
Pay me 20$ And i'll give it to you lol...
But basically.. I've been playing Runescape for a really long time. Probably since 05-06ish. I remember playing when all there was was the classic version.. And then "Runescape 2" came out and it was a members only beta.
I had a level 87, lost all his stuff in wilderness though so stopped playing on it. Not my game really, disliked it quite a bit.
I play it for a bit sometimes. I have ~85 Lvl character. I was Member once for 3 months, so f2p is soo booooring now... Mostly log in to check G.E.
Not bad...

Before I had this deal that I bought runes at 13 and sell them at 15 and bought like 40k of each, some nice profits for who is not that active :p
tehexman you could try it ;)
I was drawn to play it, but never got round to it. Is it any good, or a waste of time?
I didn't even know what "Runescape 2" was. I was searching on google and that's not the kind of games that I like most.
Noreturn... Train attack 1st then str
Defense comes after...

For money bot some woodcutting and mine
Th eonly thing in Runescape is botting... And tehnoobshow clan channel LOL