Saving money on shopping


The only methods I know to save money while shopping (groceries, toileteries and the like) are to buy in bulk and use coupons. Some people find using coupons tacky..sometimes I do too. Hence I generally buy in bulk, say 2 * 400 ml bottles of shampoo, ketchup and basically stock up on anything that stays for a while. Yesterday, I bought 300 ml of body lotion for 33% less price than I'd pay for 3 * 100 ml bottles. That's a decent amount of money saved, considering its an expensive lotion and won't go waste.

Are you a thrift shopper? How do you save money?
Buying in bulk is a good way to save money for groceries. As for me I stick to my budget by listing all the really important things to buy. If I buy something that is not in the list, then my budget would suffer and that would greatly affect the budget alloted for other things. Keep in mind to buy only what is needed and stick to that plan.
Also sometimes if you like baked goods you can get them on the day old rack which is not as fresh but still very good and cheaper.
Buying in bulk is a great way to save! Also try online-shopping OR cash-back shopping online. A lot of Get paid to sites have cash back shopping (if you want one let me know), you can also just search it online. Plus, a lot of places you shop at give online coupons/deals as well.
most of the times, the shops earn money with that, but in the end you don't really earn anything. For exemple, if you buy a product that lasts 1 month, and it costs you 1$. Another product is 60 cents, and it lasts 2 weeks. They will offer you 1 couppon to the 70 cents product, because they wouldn't sell that product anyways. And also sometimes they give you 2, but you cannot use them at the same time (with a 10 cents discount for exemple), wich meant you probably just spent more, because instead of buying the excelent product for 1$ that lasted 1 month, you are paying 1.20 for two lower quality products.

Generally that happens with products that are a little more "costy".

A householder needs great wisdom for wise spending. He needs to calculate and ponder rather than buying without planing and calculating.
yes i have the similar criteria when i go for shopping.if i am shopping from a particular bazar like big bazar,spincer,or vishal mega mart,i go for the products that have their logo as they are much can save few bucks there.and yes going for bulk is always beneficial.i always try to take the largest bottle of my favorite shampoo, conditioner and lotion.even on soap you have this buy one get one or something of that sort,so you should keep an eye for that too.
I also seem to find that shopping on a full stomach makes me buy less junk food and in turn makes the family's lifestyle healthier.
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