Scam Report on @Narc


Power member.

Narc is a scammer and justice must be served!
So if a staff member makes this thread it is just funny but if any regular member does this it would be warning. #justmysayin
What is this? why are staff trolling again? I'm confused.
Sorry guys, this was off site with no on site proof. As such, it should be moved to the Community Warning Section. Also, false scam reports are not allowed to be made. They violate site rules. Shame.
we are all currently in a skype call gossiping about u all #Sweetlifeofforumkornerondeck
If only I could give out warning level


Michael gets revng wrmng lvl frum jr
When will this case a settlement???? Find out on the next episode of DragonBallZ!!!!
March said:
When will this case a settlement???? Find out on the next episode of DragonBallZ!!!!

you didn't even do it right..

typical 2015 member. :(
Random said:
you didn't even do it right..

typical 2015 member. :(
@Random This is spamming and trolling motherfucker. I don't give a fuck.
User has been declined of a pardon, you're now on the no pardon list.