Scam report on Prepare


Power member.
He said if we decode something on Skype he would give us 10 koins. I decoded it fairly and he lies about not having the funds. I would like for either Philly to remove the koins from his account and insert them into mine, or a permanent ban.


As you can see, he used "^" to indicate that I was right.

And here is where he says he doesn't have the koins.

I vouch for this saw the whole scam go down.
You should've requested a PM before dealing. It was offsite too. Therefore, I am scott-free.
Prepare said:
You should've requested a PM before dealing. It was offsite too. Therefore, I am scott-free.

You just admitted to scamming you SKID. Give me my koins pls.

OH "Pm before dealing" but yet "It was offsite"

Z‌‌ said:
You just admitted to scamming you SKID. Give me my koins pls.

OH "Pm before dealing" but yet "It was offsite"


Nope. FK logic wins. You are screwed. ;)
Vouch for this scam report. Prepare smells like goatcheese.
I'll vouch for this. I always knew Prepare was a scamming bastard.

Goodbye. ‏ ‏ ‏ ‏ ‏ ‏ ‏ ‏ ‏ ‏ ‏ ‏ ‏ ‏ ‏ ‏ ‏ ‏ ‏ ‏ ‏ ‏ ‏
Trying to avoid the situation scammer?
Sorry to hear that you got scammed. I hope this gets resolved.
Are you guys retarded? This is a scam report, get off the thread.
#freerswhat said:
On the spam forum? Ok..


Ya, it's a scam report, a valid one. Please leave, thank you sir.