Scam report on Prepare


Power member.
He said if we decode something on Skype he would give us 10 koins. I decoded it fairly and he lies about not having the funds. I would like for either Philly to remove the koins from his account and insert them into mine, or a permanent ban.


As you can see, he used "^" to indicate that I was right.

And here is where he says he doesn't have the koins.

I vouch for this saw the whole scam go down.
You should've requested a PM before dealing. It was offsite too. Therefore, I am scott-free.
Prepare said:
You should've requested a PM before dealing. It was offsite too. Therefore, I am scott-free.

You just admitted to scamming you SKID. Give me my koins pls.

OH "Pm before dealing" but yet "It was offsite"

Z‌‌ said:
You just admitted to scamming you SKID. Give me my koins pls.

OH "Pm before dealing" but yet "It was offsite"


Nope. FK logic wins. You are screwed.
Vouch for this scam report. Prepare smells like goatcheese.
I'll vouch for this. I always knew Prepare was a scamming bastard.

Goodbye. ‏ ‏ ‏ ‏ ‏ ‏ ‏ ‏ ‏ ‏ ‏ ‏ ‏ ‏ ‏ ‏ ‏ ‏ ‏ ‏ ‏ ‏ ‏
Trying to avoid the situation scammer?
Narcotic said:
I honestly just fucking cracked up. I love you.

As Kids said, we only want to have a laugh and mess about. Lighten up peepz.
Sorry to hear that you got scammed. I hope this gets resolved.
Are you guys retarded? This is a scam report, get off the thread.
#freerswhat said:
On the spam forum? Ok..


Ya, it's a scam report, a valid one. Please leave, thank you sir.
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