scammed and kind of sad

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Power member.
I was scammed 265$ on paypal because the dude said he has to provide a tracking number when i send it as goods and service. He even sent the money back the first time! I gifted him the money and as he recieved it he said that he has trouble removing his credit card info. After that he said itll take a few hours because xbox live had issues. (Thats true it really had issues at the time.) Now he removed me from his friends list and doesnt reply to any kik messages. ;_;
Help if you can !
PM me if you are serious and have some crazy computer skills.
Love yall
the xbl account i was going to play yugioh on with you
Found this on sythe . org and he could actually show me proof that he owned it.
Emp said:
Just call PP and tell them you didn't get your product. Really, it's that simple.

It was first send as goods and services (with customer protection) but after that i should resend it as a gift because he said he has to provide a tracking number, and hes obviously not going to ship the account.
revo911 said:
It was first send as goods and services (with customer protection) but after that i should resend it as a gift because he said he has to provide a tracking number, and hes obviously not going to ship the account.

You can dispute any payment regardless. Ring up PP asap. 
Emp said:
You can dispute any payment regardless. Ring up PP asap. 

if this is it im going to pp you 50 dollar, trying it now wish me luck yall
Kowai said:
Drop all the info you got on him bruh. Go knock on his door.
That would be great, personally ask them face to face for a refund.
ya i opened a dispute because of "hacked account" they are awaiting response of the faggot that scammed me. and if this fails i still have the kik chat screenshots to proof he pushed me into paying as gift

Kowai said:
Drop all the info you got on him bruh. Go knock on his door.

not flying to US for this as much as id love to bash his face in

Meoww wwwwwwww said:
Was it by chance Twilightsaga

that dude is selling accounts with modded gamerscore claiming to be legit i didnt know hes also a scammer lol

gimme em bruh, I'll do it fo u.
I got a tire rod

aww you should have asked me, I knew he was a scammer since like September : /

I hope you get your money back though :")
revo911 said:
ya i opened a dispute because of "hacked account" they are awaiting response of the faggot that scammed me. and if this fails i still have the kik chat screenshots to proof he pushed me into paying as gift

Wait you opened an unauthorized claim?
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