scammed and kind of sad

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Call PayPal and say exactly this "He told me to send as gift " and say you met him on Craigslist or something you'll be guarenteed money back in 10 days 
California said:
Call PayPal and say exactly this "He told me to send as gift " and say you met him on Craigslist or something you'll be guarenteed money back in 10 days 

Yeah this is a good idea, you will probably get your money back if you say this, but you might of messed it up because you already made a chargeback right?
Kowai said:
Yeah this is a good idea, you will probably get your money back if you say this, but you might of messed it up because you already made a chargeback right?

He should call either way, and explain what happened. Calling is always the best option when dealing with pp.
chargeback from different ip then tell PayPal this payment is made without your permission.
not really ill have to file a complaint at the police, paypal wont do shit
Revo said:
not really ill have to file a complaint at the police, paypal wont do shit

they wont do shit either man.

I Can get you refunded easiley not hard homie.
Wiz said:
they wont do shit either man.

I Can get you refunded easiley not hard homie.

Yeah i could really need a hand here ;_; pm my if you are serious! also i wont be able to reply right away because ive to attend my brothers confirmation
Revo said:
Yeah i could really need a hand here ;_; pm my if you are serious! also i wont be able to reply right away because ive to attend my brothers confirmation
What story did you already tell them
Wiz said:
What story did you already tell them

That i was told to buy as a gift and that i didnt recieve anything.. The dude said there is nothing we can do bout that, only the police maybe.

So someone found out who his name was and wanted to help extort him i dont rememeber who it was pls HMU bro
Yeah you can just do a chargeback and you will get your money back that way man.
Read my post ffs RIP for ever 265 dollars ;_;

Emp said:
He's tried. I'm sure if you helped  Revo, he would give you a nice BJ.

Yeah ill send you some beef jerky in a nice box @package
E-mail linked to Paypal is
Tag i was going to buy had dying light on it recently.
now i found this
which leads to:
can anyone pull more info maybe if the email is really connected to those accounts or on a similar ip
please dox this dude
the scammers gamertag is Jett WRX and KIK is agreenext
I've gotten scammed before it's really not fun
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