I am suggesting that we have a search on the bans.php page. Sometimes I get bored and go over there and want to see who got banned for what reason(s) but, I have to go through pages to find that one person. I think it would be in everyone's best interest to either have a search, or an alphabetical search (You press "A" you get all usernames that were banned that start with the letter "A")
If you want to see if someone's banned just go to members on top left and search their name and it will bring them up if they are banned it just won't give you a reason.
I think this should be passed as a lot of users get banned on a daily basis, and I would like a search bar to find the user and why they've been banned more easier!
Great suggestion.
Actually, you don't even understand what I'm talking about. Maybe a user got banned months ago and I have their username, so I want to search for why they were banned. I don't want to go through pages upon pages to find their reason of being banned.